lunedì 12 marzo 2018

I DEX (exchange decentralizzati di cryptovalute) avanzano rapidamente come risposta alla regolamentazione sempre più soffocante...

Il bitcoin e la maggioranza delle cryptovalute nascono come de-centralizzate peer to peer, dunque come indipendenti dalle varie entità centralizzate come banche centrali, stati, regolamentatori etc
Il tallone di Achille però è che la maggioranza degli scambi di Cryptovalute avviene attraverso exchange centralizzati che hanno server e sedi legali in svariate Nazioni.
Gli exchange centralizzati sono ricattabili da cani&porci....
Un esempio recente tra 1000:  
Exchange finlandese ad un passo dal collasso, le banche si rifiutano di offrire i propri servizi... L'exchange finlandese Prasos Oy rischia il collasso, in quanto le banche si rifiutano di collaborare con aziende operanti nel campo delle criptovalute. #NEWS
Non so se vi ricordate di Napster che era un sistema per scaricarsi e scambiarsi liberamente la musica in mp3 ed altri tipi di documenti (file sharing) basato però su server centralizzati = un giorno i regolatori si presentarono dal "Signor Napster" e ciao ciao...lo fecero chiudere. Adesso è un sistema a pagamento.
Invece un sistema di file sharing veramente decentralizzato come per esempio emule (ma ce ne sono tanti altri) è ancora lì bello bello a funzionare su centinaia di milioni di computers che fanno da nodi, dunque tu scarichi pezzi di files da decine di utenti sparsi in tutti il mondo, i pezzi vengono messi insieme ed alla fine hai il film od il brano musicale od altri tipi di doc completi....e contemporaneamente tu condividi i tuoi files (scegliendo tu quali) che vengono scaricati dagli altri utenti della rete peer to peer.
Al 21 marzo 2017 eMule risulta essere stato scaricato 684 900 000 volte.

Credo che il paragone con il Mondo delle Cryptovalute sia chiaro = ecco perchè si stanno sviluppando sempre più rapidamente i DEX ovvero gli exchange di cryptovalute veramente decentralizzati peer to peer.
E' in atto un'accelerazione nello sviluppo e nel lancio di un numero sempre maggiore di DEX (che sono sempre migliori, più veloci, più user friendly, più efficienti) come risposta all'attacco massiccio di regolamentazione messo in atto da 6 mesi a questa parte da Stati, Banche Centrali, Regolatori finanziari etc
Nota: sto smanettando su questo ma ce ne sono tanti altri, sempre migliori...
 Decentralized Exchange IDEX Hits $13 Million a Day While Etherdelta Falters 

Chiaro che i DEX non risolvono in modo diretto una serie di problemi...........................
come l'adozione diretta&diffusa delle cryptovalute per l'uso quotidiano (gli Stati possono vietare l'uso delle Crypto per fare acquisti e dunque si può solo sviluppare un mercato diretto peer to peer tra utenti ma comunque di nicchia),
il passaggio da valuta FIAT a Cryptovaluta e viceversa (le banche possono sempre spaccarti i cocones quando vuoi comprare un BTC e devi fare un bb da 10000mila dollari a qualcuno),
le società che lanciano le ICO ed hanno sede legale in Paesi che richiedono regolamentazioni sempre più stringenti etc
Però sui DEX si stanno sviluppando anche "sistemi diffusi" per passaggio FIAT/Crypto : sto approfondendo l'argomento.
The key element of the Streamity project is StreamDesk – a decentralized blockchain-based application that will allow users to convert virtual currencies into fiat money without any intermediaries. It will also ensurephased exchange of most cryptocurrencies that are traded in the market.
Insomma come spiegavo nel mio post
Mondo istituzionalizzato delle Cryptovalute vs. Mondo Deep Crypto 2.0 decentralizzato
il Mondo delle Cryptovalute si sta sempre più splittando in Mondo Crypto Istituzionalizzato Regolamentato ed in Mondo Deep Crypto 2.0 sempre più decentralizzato e privacy oriented.
E ci sono super-occasioni da cogliere in ENTRAMBI i Mondi, anche se con strategie diverse.
Però io sogno il giorno in cui avremo Cryptovalute quotate e scambiabili SOLO nei DEX
= torneremo ad avere una bella nicchia di "vecchi tempi/eroici del Far West Crypto da 100x a botta"... anche se poi non sarà facile uscire dalla nicchia...
Insomma...una bella battaglia che non vedo l'ora di combattere e giocarmi al meglio e pragmaticamente.

Ma vediamo meglio come funziona un DEX attraverso questa IMPERDIBILE ED EQUILIBRATA ANALISI.
Ho avuto la tentazione di tradurvi l'articolo dall' mi sarebbe costato parecchio tempo che ho sempre meno...
e del resto chi non è in grado di leggere/capire un articolo in inglese
è meglio che lasci perdere il mondo del bitcoin cryptovalute blockchain
e torni ai buoni postali od ai bond sub di monte dei pacchi et similia...
Il Mondo va avanti veloce
e sta a noi ADATTARSI od estinguersi...


Decentralized exchanges: A major development for the future of crypto trading

Permissionless with no single point of failure and indifferent to regulation from the nation state. Read the full case for decentralized exchanges here.

The ‘decentralized exchange’ is an emergent idea, and the impacts such a facility could have on the cryptocurrency market are significant.
The entire cryptocurrency sphere preaches decentralization.
It is decentralization that is a defining factor of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in general.
Outside of major known use cases, there are examples of massive corporations removing a ‘single point failure’ in their closed systems, to governments providing validation on issued university degrees.
The blockchain is changing how we build critical systems.
Yet the exchanges we use to trade cryptocurrency all operate using systems built on previous share trading platforms.
Closed software sites open to breaches or DDOS attacks during critical times in the market, while at the same time charging us, the users and traders, with fees for using this soon to be antiquated technology.
It’s with a strange sense of irony that crypto traders love decentralization, then are required to use centralized trading platforms.
But a decentralized exchange is a complex beast.
It is going to take time to build.
Yet it would provide a level of freedom and security for its users that has never been seen before in this community.

Centralization is a dividing subject in the cryptocurrency community.
Tokens like Ripple (XRP) have integrated centralization into the technical structure of the token itself to much negative noise from the purists who claim that cryptocurrency must be decentralized as a core characteristic.
A decentralized exchange would satisfy a significant base of the cryptocurrency community.
The base that preach decentralization is required in a coin/token.
Yet those that are comfortable with centralization in crypto – the board members of a token such as XRP, for example – may argue that centralized exchanges are important in solidifying legitimacy in cryptocurrency.
There is an element of truth to this, no doubt.
With an increase in some regulation (certifications for exchanges), perhaps privacy protections or even a level of monetary protection from government can follow (which has not occurred yet, but exists in the stock market in several western countries).
Yet the handful of hypothetical positives from centralized, regulated exchanges are vastly overshadowed by the positives of a decentralized exchange.

Positive factors
First and foremost, a decentralized exchange is borderless.

In places with less freedoms, users need only have an internet connection and possibly Tor.
This would increase the quantity of traders, and as such increase the demand, and therefore overall value.
Second, the dreaded ‘exit scam’ or exchange failure, or hack would be eliminated.
There wouldn’t be a controlling body and therefore no controlling exchange wallets.
This is why cryptocurrency is what it is today.
Each trade would be peer to peer.
This may increase trade times, but the signs are all positive on the Lightning network – and these technological advances will continue to hurl forward.
Third, a DDOS attack to paralyze the system would become moot – the system would be without a single point to attack.
Forth, and a point deserving of its own paragraph, there would be no national or international government influence.
This has massive implications which could change the direction of the entire global regulatory focus on cryptocurrency.

Impact on Government

First, most governments have implemented some form of ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) laws or regulations which are strictly imposed on exchanges that wish to operate (in general) or deal in cryptocurrency (more specifically).
Essentially, KYC regulations set out a checklist that exchanges must satisfy in order to provide a platform to a new customer.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws fit within this realm – attacking the privacy of users.
To say these regulations are onerous is an understatement – but almost all cryptocurrency traders are aware of this already.
We all had to provide level upon level of identification to our exchanges of choice in order to purchase cryptocurrency.
It’s a threshold that can most certainly satisfy that we are who we say we are.
A decentralized exchange would eliminate this factor entirely. It would eliminate trading delays during signup and processing due to KYC and AML red tape.
Second, governments have served exchanges with asset seizures historically, which have paralyzed traders who keep significant quantities of cryptocurrency within the market.
This may cause significant damage to these traders, and overall harms the cryptocurrency community as trust in the current system may prevent new users (and thus adoption).
A decentralized exchange would eliminate the risk of asset seizure entirely.

And finally, all governments are moving towards imposing strict regulation on the exchanges within their jurisdiction in order to commence serious retrospective audits of cryptocurrency traders.
Tax is the topic of 2018, and regulation is the facilitator.

But a decentralized exchange would pivot the community in such a manner as to side step the trajectory of the regulator’s missile.
This miss would lead regulators back to the drawing board.
It would set them back, quite literally, years.
A decentralized exchange would be the market’s answer to the government’s current drive for exchange driven reporting to target users.
It’s an interesting thought exercise.
But so was Satoshi’s original decentralized currency paper.
If decentralized exchanges become a viable reality, the war through regulation will become even more complex for law makers: their current strategy is to target exchanges operating under their jurisdiction.
The exit point of cryptocurrency to a user: if that exchange has extensive information on both the identity and the transaction history on that user, it becomes the clear and easy regulatory point.
For example, the SEC recently issued a directive on "potentially unlawful online platforms for trading digital assets", putting an even greater regulatory strain on US-based cryptocurrency exchanges.
A decentralized exchange would be entirely immune to such regulatory directives, regardless of the influence of the issuer.
In a decentralized exchange, a user is an IP address.
A username.
A faint trail of wallet transactions which can easily be muddied or ‘tumbled’, as the kids say.
An IP address is essentially meaningless these days, as it leads to a VPN server somewhere and the company renting the server is operating in Panama making a job out of ignoring law enforcement requests.
If this works – this seemingly logical but legally crazy step for cryptocurrency exchanges of the future - the market will be even freer.
We would be operating in actual cypher-punk territory.

Currency and tokens assigned a value by us – the market – for us – the market.
Government has purpose, but there is no room for corruption.
We’ve had enough and the projects of our future are made with this mantra in mind.
The concept of an established decentralized exchange is one which would take the cryptocurrency market to a new height.
Yet technically and logistically this all remains to be seen.