Dice Marc Faber, Guru della Finanza:
Si può avere una pessima Economia con le Borse che salgono
Che poi è una variante del meccanismo di base che porta alle BOLLE rialziste
Che poi è uno dei risultati primari dei pompaggi delle Banche Centrali
You Can Get A Bad Economy With Rising Equity PricesE come corollario....
I think that people should own some gold
and I think that people should own some equities,
because before the collapse will happen,
with Mr. Bernanke at the Fed, they’re going to print money and print and print and print.
So what you can get is a bad economy with rising equity prices...
Marc Faber in Forbes
In A Money-Printing Environment I'm Reluctant To Short
In a money-printing environment I'm reluctant to short.
But say whereas I recommended investors to increase their positions last October, November, December, now I think that if people are overweight in equities they should reduce positions somewhat...maybe cash.
The U.S. dollar is desirable at the present time.
Marc Faber in Bloomberg