Un po' per addetti ai lavori ma very very interesting...
Perchè alla in fine, pur nelle differenze,
USA ed Eurozona sono legati a triplo filo,
checchè vi raccontino sulla Web-Novella 2000...
ISI notes the differences between the US and EuroZone in terms of GDP components:
• Housing in the US at just 2% GDP has already collapsed; housing in the Eurozone at 5% has substantial downside risk.
• Capex in the Eurozone at 14% has downside risk.
Con Capex (da CAPital EXpenditure, ovvero spese per capitale), si intendono...
• Eurozone consumer already is a significantly smaller share of GDP than US.
• Exports & imports = 24% in Eurozone is much more exposed to global slowdown and currency changes.>Ecco la TABELLA con l'interessante COMPARAZIONE:............
Intanto, per chi ama i corsi ed i ricorsi dei Mercati
le serie statistiche
e le profetiche analisi tecniche...
The Stock Market Is Following A Frighteningly Similar Pattern To 2008

In questo Mondo di Debiti sull'orlo della RESA DEI CONTI
come gli USA sono legati a triplo filo con l'Eurozona (e con il resto del Mondo...)
anche il CORE dell'Eurozona è legato a triplo filo con la PERIFERIA
So, just how deep is the German (really the northern) hole?
VERY deep.
Germany’s banks are on the hook for 22% of the entire EMU’s debts.
France is a close second at 16% and the Netherlands is in 4th place at 10%.
In all, these three countries, widely viewed as the “prudent” nations in Europe, are on the hook for almost 50% of the periphery’s problem debts!