Grecia: a breve dichiarazione pubblica di Papandreou
Greece's Papandreou to make statement shortly according to the Greek office
Wed, 20:37 15-06-2011
In piazza Syntagma sono tutti lì che aspettano con ansia...
Speriamo che Papandreou non adotti la stessa raffinata diplomazia
che usa Brunetta con i cittadini....
altrimenti si rischia grosso ;-)
Aggiornamento 1
Pare che Papandreou stia organizzando un rimpasto di Governo per cercare di far passare l'austerity che ripaghi al 100% le Banche straniere....
Ma aspettiamo maggiori news.
- According to Net TV, the Greek cabinet will be reshuffled
- Greece's Papandreou says has been struggling to save the country, attempting to reach national consensus
- Greek PM says to form new government on Thursday
Aggiornamento 2
Papandreou sta cercando di mettere insieme un governo di unità nazionale per spremere i Greci e ripagare al 100% le banche straniere.
Non credo che piacerà molto come News ai cittadini greci, detentori della sovranità fino a prova contraria....
He wants to form a new government, with a new cabinet, and says he will hold a vote of confidence. He is describing the crisis as a matter for the nation, not the parties. Papandreou is seeking a national government.
Papandreou Issues Pre-Recorded Announcement: Will Stay, Reshuffle Cabinet, Seek Vote Of Confidence; Long Weiner/Short G-Pap Pair Trade Started
Greek Prime Minister: Tomorrow I'll Reshuffle My Cabinet And Hold A No Confidence Vote
He plans on reshuffling his cabinet, and holding a no confidence vote tomorrow.
Papandreou says this crisis is one for the nation, not its parties, and is thus trying to form a national government to get a deal on a new austerity program.
Protesters remain in front of the country's parliament, in Syntagma Square.
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