E va bene....
ovvero il BLOG più esperto di Tragedie&Commedie
che per primo in Italia
vi parlò con Preveggenza
del Boom Boom Debiti Pubblici
del Caso Grecia (anche in TV)
dell'Olimpiade dei PIIGS
etc etc etc
(poi "fotocopiato" da tanti altri....)
dovrà tornare per forza a parlarVi di Grecia....;-)
Ma credo proprio che lo farò per benino ed a fondo
Invece per tutti gli "altri" ecco un paio di veloci e significativi cut&paste
mentre il nostro BTP Decennale tocca un rendimento SUPER del 4.95%.....
- Grecia, il tracollo prosegue: ai record rendimenti bond e cds
- Grecia infuriata con Moody's. Spread Italia-Germania sale a 164
da Yahoo! Finanza: Ultime notizie - 07/mar/2011 (ieri)
- Grecia nel mirino di Moody's: rating scende a "B1" al livello di Bolivia e Bielorussia
da Finanzaonline - 07/mar/2011 (ieri)
The Market Is Reading Its Verdict On Greece Right Now
The huge up move in Greek yields continues as we breathe.
The market is deciding, it seems, that the dream is over.
....Greek debt/CDS has inevitable restructuring/default written all over it as their 2 yr yield is up another 45 bps to 16.4%, the 10 yr yield is higher by 43 bps to 12.7% and 5 yr CDS is quoted at 1030-1040, a new record high.
The market message has been clear for a while but Moody’s downgrade yesterday has more crystallized the possibility notwithstanding the existence of a Greek bailout package. .......
With Portugal’s 10 yr yield now hitting 7.59%, a bailout becomes more inevitable by the day.
Irish debt is also under pressure.
With this said though, if it stops here and the firewall around Spain and Italy can hold, the region will be able to financially deal.
The Euro is finally responding lower vs the US$ off the highest level since last Nov.