La base di partenza è stata un mio vecchio articolo di Aprile 2009: Titoli di stato "Secolari"
Ecco le mie slides in merito:

nientepopodimeno che gli USA ci stanno seriamente pensando: allungare le scadenze del debito con emissioni a 40-50-100 anni.
Titoli di Stato Secolari, per ora....
Poi magari si arriverà ai Titoli di Stato Millenari: il problema è che ormai la realtà sta superando addirittura le mie battute sarcastiche e la mia capacità d'immaginazione....
Treasury Expects To Hit Debt Ceiling By End Of May, Discloses Plans For "Century" BondsAs part of its quarterly refunding statement issued earlier, the Treasury announced that it now expected to breach the debt ceiling "sometime between April 5, 2011 and May 31, 2011.....
....According to Zero Hedge estimates, Congress will end up raising the debt ceiling to $15.9 trillion from the current $14.3... a number which will need to be raised once again in January of 2012, at which point the entire debt "ceiling" farce can just be put aside.
...The Treasury also disclosed that it had discussed with big bond dealers the possibility of an "ultra-long" bond with a maturity of 40, 50, or 100 years, as one of several options to broaden the investor base for Treasury debt....
While it is well-known, and much commented on here previously, that the US Treasury is funded with a woefully high ratio of short-term debt, the last thing the globally duration mismatched balance sheet needs now is to extended liability duration by orders of magnitude.
Which is precisely why we are convinced that within 3 months the US Treasury will start issuing 100 year maturities...