6:14am UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said that he had nearly an hour long telephone conversation with Gaddafi.
Gaddafi Briefly Appears On TV To Tell The World He's In Tripoli
Weird: Libyan leaders Gaddafi has been expected to speak on TV all night. And he still might.
But he briefly appeared on state TV looking like this, and briefly said he's in Tripoli, not Venezuela (as some reports had claimed).
2:00am: A group of Libyan army officers have reportedly issued a statement urging fellow soldiers to “join the people” and help remove Gaddafi from power
12:59am: Financial Times reports oil groups are preparing to shut down operations in Libya
12:53am: Dozens of students and political activists have been arrested in Zimbabwe for watching Al Jazeera's reports on uprisings in north Africa, reports the New York Times.
12:49am: Reports emerge that BP is preparing to evacuate its employees from Libya. The corporation has major contracts with Libya, the EU's third-largest supplier of oil
Non si sa bene quando ....
non si sa con esattezza se accadrà...
ma Gheddafi potrebbe presto parlare in diretta TV ad Al Jazeera.
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Anche ZeroHedge dovrebbe mettere le ultime novità QUI (quando e se ci saranno)
Muammar Gadaffi To Speak Momentarily On TV