mercoledì 8 settembre 2010

Povera Grecia....

Sulla Grecia invece....meglio stendere un velo pietoso....
I suoi rendimenti sui titoli decennali ormai sono da tempo a livelli "argentini"...e lo spread col bund è abissale.

Addirittura si vocifera che National Bank of Greece stia rinforzando il suo capitale come mossa preventiva a fronte di un eventuale HAIRCUT sui titoli di stato ellenici (leggi default...). Naturalmente NBG nega a tutto spiano...
NBG’s Greek debt warning
The most denied cash call of recent times has finally happened. Late on Tuesday night National Bank of Greece announced a €2.8bn ‘Comprehensive Capital Strengthening Plan...
But what does that mean? Could it be that NBG is raising the money to cover a Greek government bond haircut? Very possibly.
As a reminder, NBG carries its Greek government bond portfolio at a 10 per cent discount in its books. According to analysts a €2.8bn capital raise would cover an additional 13 per cent haircut and pretty severe restructuring.

Per non parlare dei DUBBI di Eurostat: ci sarebbe fondati sospetti che la Grecia stia ancora falsificando i suoi conti pubblici o perlomeno stia dissimulando parecchie cosette.
Come ai "bei tempi" del mio articolo:
Boom Boom Debito Grecia: falso in bilancio.... (martedì 12 gennaio 2010)

The Euro Just Took Another Sharp Leg Down, ECB Probing Undisclosed Greek Data
It seems like a good bet that Europe will be the focus of your day again today (in part because the US news calendar is so light).

The EU is upset that Greek is still withholding financial data.
Four months after the 110 billion- euro ($140 billion) bailout for Greece, the nation still hasn’t disclosed the full details of secret financial transactions it used to conceal debt.
“We have not seen the real documents,” Walter Radermacher, head of the European Union’s statistics agency Eurostat, said in a Sept. 2 interview in his Luxembourg office.
Eurostat first requested the contracts in February.

Ed anche da un punto di vista "economico"
Grecia: Pil II trimestre rivisto al ribasso a -1,8% da -1,5% (08/09/2010 10:33
Grecia: Pil Secondo Trimestre -3,7% Annuo Agi (08/09/2010 11:15)