Alla fin fine, come da 17 mesi a questa parte, potrebbe essere principalmente una questione di DOPING....
E se lo dice l'informatissima GS....
Alla faccia di tutte le mie masturbazioni macro-economiche che mi stanno facendo fumare il cervello :-)
Goldman: Fed may announce QE2 as soon as NovemberFrom the WSJ: Goldman: Fed May Announce New Asset Purchases in November
“We don’t expect this at the Sept. 21 meeting, but in November or December there’s certainly a possibility that it will be announced,” Jan Hatzius, chief economist at the bank, said Tuesday...............
He added the Fed is likely to buy U.S. Treasurys worth around $1.0 trillion to kick-start the economy.
[Goldman] expects the U.S. unemployment rate to creep back up to 10% by early 2011 from 9.6% in August and to stay around that level for most of the year.