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Io una COSA così non l'avevo mai vista....
Dall'8 febbraio 2010 il rialzo dell'S&P500 e degli altri indici USA è stata praticamente una linea retta.
Addirittura la stagione delle trimestrali USA meglio delle attese sta imprimendo un'accelerazione ulteriore al Rally. E pensare che era una cosa già ampiamente scontata...
Non vale nemmeno più il sell on news.
Non è tanto l'entità dei singoli rialzi (tutto sommato contenuti) che impressiona ma piuttosto la continuità dei rialzi stessi...combinata soprattutto con la TOTALE ASSENZA di ribassi o correzioni che superino qualche frazione di punto percentuale.
E per quanto possa valere il discorso sui volumi...
Intraday Volume Update:
Volume Plunges: Market Up,
Volume Surge: Market Down
Ecco po' di statistiche da guinness
16 aprile 2010
Over the last two months, 73% of the trading days have been up days.
Since 1980, there have only been 3 other periods where this high of a reading was reached -- 6/1980, 4/1995, and 11/2006.
Be sure to remember this trading period, because this kind of action does not happen often.
al 14 aprile 2010
Financial Services Sector ETF (XLF). This fund, which is comprised primarily of large banks, has fallen just 8 times in the last 46 sessions! Over the past 8 weeks this fund has rallied an incredible 23%. The quality of the rally has been almost unheard of.
Of the 46 sessions only 3 have resulted in 1% losses and there were only 2 consecutive down days during the entire move.
The most recent streak is the most impressive portion of the entire move with the banks moving higher in 14 of the past 16 sessions.
al 12 aprile 2010: il rally del lunedì e non solo
No trade has been more reliable over the last 7 months than the Monday Melt-up.
Stocks have rallied in 25 of the last 31 Monday’s and look to make that 26 of 32 based on early futures action.... As of late Sunday evening it’s looking like the gamblers who piled into equities in the waning moments of the Friday trading session will be paid handsomely for their risk.
Stocks have now rallied over 40 sessions without a 1% loss. In addition, the SPY (NdR un ETF sull'SP500) has rallied in 32 of the last 44 sessions while banks have rallied in 36 of the last 44 sessions. Bernanke’s reflation trade is beginning to get a very bubbly feel to it. Can the trends persist?
al 30 marzo 2010
If you’ve bought stocks recently you’ve probably felt invincible. And for good reason.
Stocks don’t go down anymore.
Since the market bottomed on February 8th stocks have climbed in 27 of the following 37 sessions for total gains of 12.5%.
That statistic doesn’t sound nearly as impressive until you look under the hood.
Declines in recent weeks have been more like pit stops before hitting the gas again. The average daily decline during the 10 down sessions has been a remarkable 0.18%!
I wasn’t kidding when I said this market doesn’t actually go down.
Perhaps most incredible has been the total lack of news and volume that has accompanied the rally...
Magari VOI cari lettori avete qualcosa da dire in merito...